Yet Another Filler

Hey everyone. Eugene here (the actual person). Sorry, but it’s just me today. I’d like to fill you in on what’s been going on with the characters so far, before we dive into the narrative further. To begin, there are three characters, Eugene (the fictional me), Samantha (The genius alter ego) and Ron (The artificial intelligence). Because imagination is the bulk of my budget, I separate the speech of each character with different font formatting styles. The fictional Eugene for instance talks in regular unformatted text, while Samantha is usually in bold italics with Ron in Caps. Now what may be a bit more confusing is that Sam and Ron are personalities living inside of the fictional Eugene (me), but with a twist where they can all co-exist and function together, speak to themselves and see each other, as you may have already noticed from every single episode.

I’m currently musing over using text colour to depict the newer characters I intend to introduce. That seems like it would be less convoluted. The parenthesis style I experimented with during the time travel arc turned out quite confusing didn’t it? I have a friend I usually consult with on any new ideas or such decisions, so if there’s anything you do not like, please feel free to email him at, since it was most probably his idea anyway. Yes. Initially I was making this up as I went along, I admit, but I’ve had a general outline planned out for where the narrative goes next with this assassin arc. It borrows a bit from all the shows and sci-fi premises I love but I hope it’s fun and not too familiar.

Again, I must apologize for the last hiatus, but as I already explained, I had some stuff going on then. I tried to write a few episodes but after consulting with said friend (again, we felt it best I took some time to sort out everything first, since it was reflecting on the work. But now I’m back, with a twist sort of. I recently started a new job so I cannot churn out episodes as regularly as I used to. So, I’ll tie myself down to an episode every two weeks (sorry) and hope that you bear with me. I’ll try to make each episode longer and filled with more content to make for the delays. Small fillers in between episodes will be littered every now and then when I get the chance too. I have many ideas written down for how the assassin arc should proceed and I’m currently working with my friend to sift through and decide on the best narrative choice. So, as it stands, Eugene (the fictional me) has met a woman, Catherine, that Samantha isn’t so sure of, but because he’s so lonely and gullible, he’s blind to Sam’s fears. (Again, the fictional Eugene. No way that’s me in real life. No. Honestly…I’m nothing like him… like at all…believe me. I’m totally one hundred percent very different from him.)

And before I go, thank you for reading each episode. I started this on a whim and It warms my heart that there are people out there than can connect with and enjoy my particular brand of weird. It means a lot to me. Thank you for your time and please keep social distancing. Stay safe indoors and I’ll see you next week for the main episode. Cheers everyone.



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